Stammbaum der Familie Zenker

Tobias Zenker 1664 - 1720

Tobias Zenker ist am 21. Januar 1664 in Weiffa geboren und am 31. Januar in Steinigtwolmsdorf getauft. Gestorben am
20. April 1720 als Pächter des früher von ihm verwalteten gräflich Gersdorffschen Schlossgutes zu Kauppa. Er war in erster Ehe seit 25.09.1696 mit Anna Sophie Franz, Tochter des verst. Vater Georg Benedikt, Erbrichter zu Kieschau, vermählt, die 1707 unter Hinterlassung zweier Kinder starb. Am 20. November 1708 heiratete er Anna Magdalene Blüssing, Tochter des Verwalters Hans Jakob Blüssing in Lippitsch. Diese war am 13. Juni 1691 geboren, heiratete nochmals den Gutsverwalter Johann Dutschmann in Klix - und starb am 19. März 1744. Eine Tochter des Tobias, Anna Maria, geboren am 8. Oktober 1714, vermählt mit Gottfried Kretschmar, Verwalter in Leichnam, ist am 30. November 1750 gestorben unter Hinterlassung zweier Söhne und vier Töchter.

Die Genannten sind sämtlich in Klix begraben, wo sich die Leichensteine mit sehr umfangreichen, meist noch [1900] lesbaren Inschriften befinden. Die zwei wichtigsten, im Spenerschen Geiste verfasst, folgen im Anhang. Von den sieben Kindern des Tobias und der Anna Magdalene Blüssing ist ausser der erwähnten Anna Maria nur noch Johann Tobias bekannt.

2011-08-25 Grabschriften Tobias, Anna Magdalena, Johann Dutschmann und Anna Maria, Dank an Frau Lubina Mahling /SZ.

2007-03-02 Recently I received the following information from a descendant of Anna Maria Zenker living in Canada: Wolfgang Hofmeier. He visited us in our home in Stockholm.

My nephew Sebastian just sent me a link to some of your webpages about Tobias Zenker (1664-1720). He is one of my ancestors as well. One of my grandfathers had this family tree for a long time and I've always been a bit skeptical, thinking that the whole thing might be a hoax. But it seems like it is for real, because my nephew has located references to quite a few of the names in the family tree. Anyway, this is the connection to me: Tobias Zenker married Anna Magdalena Blüssing and had a daughter: Anna Maria Zenker who married Gottfried Kretschmar, they had a son: Carl Gottfried Kretschmar who married Johanna Charlotte Herklotz, they had a son: Carl Samuel Kretschmar who married Johanna Sophia Henrietta Landsberger, they had a daughter: Marianna Kretschmar who married Johann Friedrich Ferdinand Hofmeier, they had a son: Friedrich Ferdinand Hofmeier who married Caroline Marie Friederike Scheven, they had two sons: Paul Friedrich Hofmeier (his son Fritz was my grandfather) Max Friedrich Adolph Hofmeier (his daughter Elisabeth was my grandmother). My grandparents were first cousins.

2009-12-15 I received the following from another descendant of Anna Maria Zenker: Anne-Marie Schwarze.

While researching for my grand grand grand grandmother "Marianne Hofmeier" née Kretzschmar, I came across your homepage. Her exact date of birth is 14.01.1797 to 27.03.1881, and the name of her husband Johann Friedrich Ferdinand Hofmeier. Therefore, I think it could be that we are relatives... According to Anne-Marie's research, Friedrich Hofmeier (1826-1893) was married to Luise Schulze (1849-1929) [in his second marriage, see above?]. They had a son Friedrich Hofmeier (1872-1963) who married Franziska Breyer (1878-1921). Their daughter Luise Hofmeier (1903-1992) married Rudolf Schwarze (1895-1964). Their son Hans Schwarze (1931-1987) married Helga Oehring (b. 1933). Their daughter Kerstin Schwarze (b. 1959) is Anne-Marie's mother.

  Last edited or checked February 18, 2024.
Christoph Zenker 1619 - 1697 Johann Tobias Zenker 1717 - 1771
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